Monday, October 25, 2021

What Are The Precautions For An X-Ray Examination?

If you have any of the following conditions, please inform your doctor before checking your medical records. If you do not feel well during the examination, let the staff know right away. Please check with your doctor about specific instructions if any of these conditions apply to you:a cold, fever or infection;pregnancy;recent weight loss or gain;

The precautions for an X-ray examination are as follows:

A full bladder makes it easier to fill the intestine with air during the GI (gastrointestinal) series. For this reason, you should drink six 8-ounce glasses of clear liquids during the six hours before the examination. Do not drink liquids with meals during this time period. You may have a light breakfast or lunch, but do not have any solid food for at least six hours before the test.

Having an empty stomach makes it easier to take images of sensitive areas. For that reason, you should not eat or drink anything for at least four hours before your examination. You may take medications with a sip of water. Be sure to tell the technologist when you arrive what medicines you are taking and which ones you have taken recently.

What can I expect after an X RAY In Dwarka examination?

If contrast material is used, your doctor may want you to rest for one or two hours after your examination, especially if the contrast material is given intravenously. If you are unable to drink fluids after this time period, you need to notify the technologist so that an IV line can be re-started.Do not drive yourself home after receiving IV fluid or having your chest, arm, leg or hip X-rayed. If you have nothing to eat for two hours after your test, be sure someone drives you home.

What are the risks of an X-ray examination?

Bone overgrowth (overdose) can occur when radiation is used for prolonged periods to treat certain conditions such as cancer. However, this has not been reported from a chest X-ray. The number of X-rays used for diagnostic purposes is small and without long term risk. As with all medical procedures, potential risks may be associated with the contrast material used in an X-ray exam. Consult Before having X RAY in Dwarka.

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